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ThermiVa for Incontinence

ThermiVa for Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence is a common issue for women for a variety of reasons. In the past, surgery was often the only option available for women who suffered from incontinence following pregnancy, childbirth or menopause. Thankfully, the modern world has produced many technological advancements that make non-invasive treatments and therapies possible. One such innovative method is ThermiVa, which is now available at the Harley Institute for Atlanta, Georgia area clients. Are you wondering how this amazing treatment works? Here is some more information to help you decide if ThermiVa is the right choice for you. 

Why Does Incontinence Occur?

Both men and women can experience urinary incontinence due to a wide range of causes including side effects from medications and elevated fluid intake. In some circumstances, incontinence can be a symptom of a more serious health problem. However, for many women, incontinence occurs due to the natural aging process or following childbirth. Loosening and stretching of the muscles and tissue in the vaginal area can have a large effect on a woman’s increased chances of struggling with bladder leakage. 

What is ThermiVa?

ThermiVa is a professional treatment that utilizes temperature-controlled radio frequency to target areas of the internal vaginal vault as well as the external labia. ThermiVa’s proven technology helps to encourage the body’s natural collagen production, the vital protein that gives skin structural support. The entire ThermiVa treatment is usually completed within 3 sessions, with no need for anesthetics or recovery time. 

How Can ThermiVa Relieve Incontinence? 

FDA approved ThermiVa treatments help to reduce bladder leakage by tightening and revitalizing surrounding tissues. By improving vaginal laxity, this incredible non-invasive treatment offers relief from mild bladder leakage without the need to recover from more risky and uncomfortable surgical procedures. 

Additional ThermiVa Benefits

While ThermiVa is known for its ability to reduce urinary incontinence, there are also many more benefits. By improving the overall health and vitality of the vaginal area, you will also gain an increase in sensitivity. It can also improve vaginal dryness and physical discomfort, leading to an overall enhancement of sexual pleasure and enjoyment. Many women suffer for years after childbirth or menopause because of the loss of moisture, muscular control and sensation in the vaginal area. Now, thanks to ThermiVa, there’s no reason to take weeks off work while recovering from painful reconstructive surgery. Learn more about ThermiVa by calling the experts at Harley Institute today. 

Looking for ThermiVa Treatments in Atlanta, Georgia? Visit the Harley Institute 

Are you ready to enjoy the many benefits of ThermiVa Treatment? Then call or visit the Harley Institute in Atlanta, Georgia and get started right away. Dr. Harley and her team of specialists are excited to offer ThermiVa, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Ultherapy, Laser Genesis, microdermabrasion, vein therapy and a wide range of advanced non-surgical treatment methods. We can help you develop a customized plan, so you can begin to turn back time while looking and feeling better than ever. Contact our office to learn more about our offerings or to schedule a convenient appointment for your initial consultation.