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Creams or Pellets – Which Hormone Delivery Method Is Best?

Creams or Pellets – Which Hormone Delivery Method Is Best? 

Bioidentical hormones offer men and women a chance to keep their estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels in balance, despite the aging process. Best of all, they are derived from naturally occurring hormones, which provides better absorption by the body with less side effects than conventional synthetic alternatives. Their ability to help stabilize anxiety and mood swings, while minimizing the hot flashes, weight gain and other problems associated with aging, makes it one of the most popular therapies on the market today. The experts at the Harley Institute in Atlanta, Georgia are excited to offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for clients in our local metro Atlanta area communities. Have you considered hormone replacements, but aren’t sure which delivery method is best? Here is some more information that can help you decide between creams or pellets. 

Hormone Creams

Creams are designed to deliver the hormones into your blood stream through your skin. The absorption levels may be reduced depending on certain conditions such as high levels of humidity or dry skin. Application of creams is usually rotated, and frequently rubbed on areas of the inner thigh or upper arm. 


Pellets are small cylinders that are about the size of a tiny grain of rice. The pellet is placed beneath the skin through a small incision. This minimally invasive procedure requires little down time, and most clients begin to feel the effects soon after. The pellets will normally last 3 to 5 months and will eventually dissolve naturally on their own as the body utilizes the hormones. This delivery method is fast acting, lasts several months and requires little to no effort because there’s no need to remind yourself to take a capsule or use your cream. In addition, since the hormones are released slowly over time, the emotional, physical and psychological effects remain more consistent and reliable.

Choosing the Best Option

Both options can provide improved hormone balance, so ultimately the choice will depend on everyone’s unique lifestyle and needs. Creams are easy to use, but clients must remember to use them on a regular basis to reach the desired effect. Some people choose this option because they are uncomfortable with having an incision. On the other hand, pellets only require a very small incision, and the recovery time is minimal. For many the benefits of pellets far outweigh their discomfort with the procedure itself. They provide a direct, continuous release of hormones, and will only need to be replaced a few times a year. 

Ready to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Atlanta? Visit the Harley Institute

Have your unbalanced hormones begun to cause major problems in your life? Avoid the hot flashes, weight gain, insomnia, mood swings and more by investing in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy at the Harley Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. Call or visit today and speak with our friendly, knowledgeable staff. We’re always ready to address any questions or concerns and can also schedule a convenient appointment for your initial consultation.